Source code for satlas.models.linkedmodel

Implementation of a class for the simultaneous fitting of hyperfine structure spectra.

.. moduleauthor:: Wouter Gins <>
.. moduleauthor:: Ruben de Groote <>
import copy

import lmfit as lm
from satlas.models.basemodel import BaseModel
from satlas.utilities import poisson_interval
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['LinkedModel']

[docs]class LinkedModel(BaseModel): """Links different models for simultaneous fitting."""
[docs] def __init__(self, models): """Initializes the class for simultaneous fitting of different models. Parameters ---------- models: list of :class:`.BaseModel` children objects A list defining the different models.""" super(LinkedModel, self).__init__() self.models = models for i, model in enumerate(self.models): model._add_prefix('s' + str(i) + '_') self._set_params() self.shared = []
def _set_params(self): for model in self.models: try: p.add_many(*model.params.values()) except: p = model.params.copy() self.params = p def _add_prefix(self, value): for model in self.models: model._add_prefix(value) self._set_params() def get_chisquare_mapping(self): return np.hstack([f.get_chisquare_mapping() for f in self.models]) def get_lnprior_mapping(self, params): return sum([f.get_lnprior_mapping(f.params) for f in self.models]) @property def shared(self): """Contains all parameters which share the same value among all models.""" return self._shared @shared.setter def shared(self, value): params = self.params.copy() self._shared = value for name in self._shared: selected_list = [p for p in params.keys() if name in p] try: selected_name = selected_list[0] for p in selected_list[1:]: params[p].expr = selected_name except IndexError: pass self.params = params @property def params(self): """Instance of lmfit.Parameters object characterizing the shape of the HFS.""" return self._parameters @params.setter def params(self, params): self._parameters = params.copy() for spec in self.models: spec.params = self._parameters.copy() spec._parameters._prefix = spec._prefix def seperate_response(self, x): """Generates the response for each subspectrum. Parameters ---------- x: list of arrays A list equal in length to the number of submodels, contains arrays for which the submodels have to be evaluated. Returns ------- evaluated: ndarray The output array, of the same shape as the input list of arrays, containing the response values.""" return np.squeeze([s(X) for s, X in zip(self.models, x)]) ############################### # PLOTTING ROUTINES # ############################### def plot(self, x=None, y=None, yerr=None, ax=None, show=True, plot_kws={}, linked=True): """Routine that plots the hfs, possibly on top of experimental data. Parameters ---------- x: list of arrays Experimental x-data. If None, a suitable region around the peaks is chosen to plot the hfs. y: list of arrays Experimental y-data. yerr: list of arrays or dict('high': array, 'low': array) Experimental errors on y. ax: matplotlib axes object If provided, plots on these axes. show: boolean If True, the plot will be shown at the end. plot_kws: dictionary Dictionary containing the additional keyword arguments for the *plot* method of the underlying models. Note that the keyword *ax* is passed along correctly. linked: boolean, optional If True, the x-axes of the generated plots will be linked. Returns ------- fig, ax: matplotlib figure and axis Figure and axis used for the plotting.""" if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(self.models), 1, sharex=linked) height = fig.get_figheight() width = fig.get_figwidth() fig.set_size_inches(width, len(self.models) * height, forward=True) else: fig = ax[0].get_figure() toReturn = fig, ax if x is None: x = [None] * len(self.models) if y is None: y = [None] * len(self.models) if yerr is None: yerr = [None] * len(self.models) selected = int(np.floor(len(self.models)/2 - 1)) plot_kws_no_xlabel = copy.deepcopy(plot_kws) plot_kws_no_xlabel['xlabel'] = '' plot_kws_no_ylabel = copy.deepcopy(plot_kws) plot_kws_no_ylabel['ylabel'] = '' plot_kws_no_xlabel_no_ylabel = copy.deepcopy(plot_kws) plot_kws_no_xlabel_no_ylabel['xlabel'] = '' plot_kws_no_xlabel_no_ylabel['ylabel'] = '' for i, (X, Y, YERR, spec) in enumerate(zip(x, y, yerr, self.models)): if i == selected: try: spec.plot(x=X, y=Y, yerr=[YERR['low'], YERR['high']], ax=ax[i], show=False, plot_kws=plot_kws_no_xlabel) except: spec.plot(x=X, y=Y, yerr=YERR, ax=ax[i], show=False, plot_kws=plot_kws_no_xlabel) elif i == len(self.models) - 1: try: spec.plot(x=X, y=Y, yerr=[YERR['low'], YERR['high']], ax=ax[i], show=False, plot_kws=plot_kws_no_ylabel) except: spec.plot(x=X, y=Y, yerr=YERR, ax=ax[i], show=False, plot_kws=plot_kws_no_ylabel) else: try: spec.plot(x=X, y=Y, yerr=[YERR['low'], YERR['high']], ax=ax[i], show=False, plot_kws=plot_kws_no_xlabel_no_ylabel) except: spec.plot(x=X, y=Y, yerr=YERR, ax=ax[i], show=False, plot_kws=plot_kws_no_xlabel_no_ylabel) # plt.tight_layout() if show: return toReturn def plot_spectroscopic(self, x=None, y=None, plot_kws={}, **kwargs): """Routine that plots the hfs of all the models, possibly on top of experimental data. It assumes that the y data is drawn from a Poisson distribution (e.g. counting data). Parameters ---------- x: list of arrays Experimental x-data. If list of Nones, a suitable region around the peaks is chosen to plot the hfs. y: list of arrays Experimental y-data. plot_kws: dictionary Dictionary with keys to be passed on to :meth:`.plot`. Returns ------- fig, ax: matplotlib figure and axis Figure and axis used for the plotting.""" yerr = [] if y is not None: for Y in y: ylow, yhigh = poisson_interval(Y) yerr.append({'low': Y - ylow, 'high': yhigh - Y}) else: yerr = None return self.plot(x=x, y=y, yerr=yerr, plot_kws=plot_kws, **kwargs) ########################### # MAGIC METHODS # ########################### def __add__(self, other): """Adding another LinkedModel adds the models therein to the list of models. Returns ------- LinkedModel""" if isinstance(other, LinkedModel): return_object = LinkedModel(self.models.extend(other.models)) else: return_object = super(LinkedModel, self).__add__(other) return return_object
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """Pass the seperate frequency arrays to the submodels, and return their response values as a list of arrays. Parameters ---------- x : list of floats or array_likes Frequency in MHz Returns ------- list of floats or NumPy arrays Response of each spectrum for each seperate value in *x*.""" return np.hstack([s(X) for s, X in zip(self.models, x)])