BaseModelCreation and evaluation

HFSModel creation and adaption

Creation and value change

For normal basemodel creation, the only package needed is the satlas package itself.

import satlas as s
UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))

First, define the nuclear spin, the electronic spins of both levels and the hyperfine parameters.

I = 1.0
J = [1.0, 2.0]

ABC = [100, 200, 100, 200, 0, 0]

Other parameters, such as the FWHM, centroid, scale and background can also be set at creation.

fwhm = [10, 10]
centroid = 500
scale = 100
background = 10

Then, the basemodel can be created by instantiating a HFSModel object:

basemodel_low = s.HFSModel(I, J, ABC, centroid, fwhm=fwhm, scale=scale, background_params=[10])

If a value has to be changed, pass the value and the parameter name to set_value. For multiple values, a list of values and names can be given.

basemodel_low.set_value({'Bl': 0})  #Set Bl to 0.
values = [200, 0]
names = ['Au', 'Bu']
basemodel_low.set_value({name: value for name, value in zip(names, values)})  #Sets Au to 200 and Bu to 0

Setting conditions

When fitting, it might be desirable to restrict parameters to a certain boundary. Since this brings about possible numerical instabilities, only a few parameters have standard restrictions. The FWHM, amplitude and scale, and the Poisson intensity have been restricted to have at least a value of 0, while the Poisson offset has been restricted to have a value of at most 0. All other values have no restrictions placed on them. In order to impose these restrictions, or to overwrite them, create a dictionary with parameter names as keys, and map them to a dictionary containing the min and max keys with a value. Pass this dictionary to set_boundaries.

boundariesDict = {'Al': {'min': 50, 'max': 150},  #Constrain Al to be between 50 and 150 MHz.
                  'Scale': {'min': None, 'max': None}}  #Remove the constraints on the scale

In case a certain parameter is known, it can also be fixed so the fitting routines do not change it. This is done by creating a dictionary, again using the parameter names as keys, and mapping them to either True (meaning vary) or False (meaning fix).

variationDict = {'Background0': False}  #Fixes the background to the current value

Please note that the parameter N, responsible for the number of sidepeaks that appear in the basemodel, will never be varied. This value always has to be changed manually!

Another option is restricting the amplitude of the peaks to Racah amplitudes. This is done by default. If this is not desired, either pass to option use_racah=False to the initialiser, or change the attribute later on:

basemodel_low.use_racah = False

A final condition that can be placed is the restriction of the ratio of the hyperfine parameters. Using the method fix_ratio, the value, target and parameter are specified. The target is defined as the parameter which will be calculated using the value

basemodel_low.fix_ratio(2, target='upper', parameter='A')  #Fixes Au to 2*Al
basemodel_low.fix_ratio(0.5, target='lower', parameter='B')  #Fixes Bl to 0.5*Bl

Additionally, the location of the peaks can be easily retrived by looking at locations, with the labelling of the peaks being saved in ftof.

SumModel creation

In order to make a SumModel, which takes another isomer or isotope into account, two options are available for creation, with both being equivalent. The first option is initialising the SumModel with a list containing HFSModel objects.

I = 4.0
centroid = 0

basemodel_high = s.HFSModel(I, J, ABC, centroid, scale=scale)  #Make another basemodel, with a different nuclear spin and centroid

basemodel_both = s.SumModel([basemodel_low, basemodel_high])

The other option is simply adding the HFSModel objects together, making use of operator overloading.

basemodel_both = basemodel_low + basemodel_high  #Both methods give the exact same result

There is no restriction on how many spectra can be combined in either way. Afterwards, the easiest way to add another HFSModel is by summing this with the SumModel.

centroid = 600

basemodel_high_shifted = s.HFSModel(I, J, ABC, centroid, scale=scale)

basemodel_three = basemodel_both + basemodel_high_shifted  #Adds a third basemodel

When combining spectra in this way, parameters can be forced to be a shared value. This is done by accessing the SumModel.shared attribute. By default this is set to an empty list, meaning no parameters are shared.

basemodel_both.shared = ['FWHMG', 'FWHML']  #Makes sure the same linewidth is used

LinkedModel creation

Making a LinkedModel uses the same syntax as the first method of creating an SumModel:

basemodel_seperate = s.LinkedModel([basemodel_low, basemodel_low])

In the same way as for an SumModel, parameters can be shared between spectra. By default, this is set to the hyperfine parameters and the sidepeak offset.

Evaluating spectra

The response of the basemodel for a frequency (which is the estimated average number of counts) is calculated by calling any BaseModel object with the frequency. There are some caveats:

  1. For a LinkedModel, a float cannot be given. The method expects a list of floats, or list of arrays, with a length equal to the number of spectra that have been combined. The output, in contrast to the other objects, is again a list of floats or arrays.
  2. When evaluating a SumModel, the response is the total response. If the seperate response of each basemodel is required, the convenience method SumModel.seperate_response takes a list of floats or arrays and outputs the response of each basemodel. Note the keyword background in this method, which changes the output significantly.
import numpy as np

lowest_freq = 0
highest_freq = 10  #This is a toy example, so the values don't matter.
freq_range = np.linspace(0, 10, 20)  #Consult the NumPy documentation for more information about generating ranges.

response_hfsmodel = basemodel_low(freq_range)
response_summodel = basemodel_both(freq_range)
response_linkedmodel = basemodel_seperate([freq_range, freq_range])