API reference¶
General Models¶
The abstract baseclass BaseModel
defines a few methods for retrieving information about the current state of the fit. These methods are not documented in the child classes, but will be regularly used.
satlas.models.basemodel.BaseModel () |
Abstract baseclass for all models. |
satlas.models.summodel.SumModel (models) |
Create a model that sums all the underlying models for a single input variable. |
satlas.models.linkedmodel.LinkedModel (models) |
Links different models for simultaneous fitting. |
satlas.models.models.MiscModel (func, args[, ...]) |
Constructs a response from a supplied function. |
satlas.models.models.PolynomialModel (args) |
Constructs a polynomial response. |
Specialized Models¶
satlas.models.hfsmodel.HFSModel (I, J, ABC, ...) |
Constructs a HFS spectrum, consisting of different peaks described by a certain profile. |
satlas.models.transformmodel.TransformHFSModel (...) |
Create an HFSModel that applies both a pre-processing transformation on the input data and a post-processing transformation on the output data. |
Fitting routines¶
Implementation of fitting routines specialised for BaseModel objects. Note that not all functions are loaded into the global satlas namespace.
satlas.stats.fitting.calculate_analytical_uncertainty (f, x, y) |
Calculates the analytical errors on the parameters, by changing the value for a parameter and finding the point where the chisquare for the refitted parameters is one greater. |
satlas.stats.fitting.chisquare_fit (f, x, y) |
Use a non-linear least squares minimization (Levenberg-Marquardt) algorithm to minimize the chi-square of the fit to data x and y with errorbars yerr. |
satlas.stats.fitting.chisquare_model (params, ...) |
Model function for chisquare fitting routines as established in this module. |
satlas.stats.fitting.chisquare_spectroscopic_fit (f, x, y) |
Use the chisquare_fit function, automatically estimating the errors on the counts by the square root. |
satlas.stats.fitting.likelihood_fit (f, x, y) |
Fits the given model to the given data using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation technique. |
satlas.stats.fitting.likelihood_walk (f, x, y) |
Calculates the uncertainty on MLE-optimized parameter values by performing a random walk through parameter space and comparing the resulting loglikelihood values. |
satlas.stats.fitting.likelihood_x_err (f, x, ...) |
Calculates the loglikelihood for a model given x and y values. |
satlas.stats.fitting.likelihood_lnprob (...) |
Calculates the logarithm of the probability that the data fits the model given the current parameters. |
satlas.stats.fitting.likelihood_loglikelihood (f, ...) |
Given a parameters object, a Model object, experimental data and a loglikelihood function, calculates the loglikelihood for all data points. |
satlas.stats.fitting.create_band (f, x, ...) |
Calculates prediction or confidence bounds at the 1 ![]() |
satlas.stats.fitting.assign_hessian_estimate (...) |
Calculates the Hessian of the model at the given parameters, and associates uncertainty estimates based on the inverted Hessian matrix. |
satlas.stats.fitting.process_walk (model, ...) |
Given a model and H5 file with the results of a random walk, the parameters varied in the walk are set to the 50% percentile, and the uncertainty is set to either the difference between the 50% and 16% percentile, or between the 84% and 50%, whichever is the largest. |
Likelihood calculations¶
Implementation of calculation of the loglikelihood for common distributions.
satlas.loglikelihood.poisson_llh (y, f, x) |
Returns the loglikelihood for a Poisson distribution. |
satlas.loglikelihood.create_gaussian_llh ([...]) |
Returns the loglikelihood-function for a Gaussian distribution, with the given uncertainty on the data points. |
satlas.loglikelihood.create_gaussian_priormap (...) |
Generates a function that describes a Gaussian prior mapping around the given literature value with the given uncertainty. |
Implementation of classes for different lineshapes, creating callables for easy and intuitive calculations.
satlas.profiles.Crystalball ([fwhm, mu, amp, ...]) |
A callable Crystalball profile. |
satlas.profiles.Gaussian ([fwhm, mu, amp, ...]) |
A callable normalized Gaussian profile. |
satlas.profiles.Lorentzian ([fwhm, mu, amp, ...]) |
A callable normalized Lorentzian profile. |
satlas.profiles.AsymmLorentzian ([fwhm, mu, ...]) |
A callable normalized Lorentzian profile with builtin asymmetry. |
satlas.profiles.Voigt ([fwhm, mu, amp, ampIsArea]) |
A callable normalized Voigt profile. |
satlas.profiles.PseudoVoigt ([eta, fwhm, mu, amp]) |
A callable normalized PseudoVoigt profile. |
Implementation of various functions that ease the work, but do not belong in one of the other modules.
satlas.utilities.utilities.generate_spectrum (...) |
Generates a model by random sampling from the provided HFSModel and range. |
satlas.utilities.utilities.poisson_interval (data) |
Calculates the confidence interval for the mean of a Poisson distribution. |
satlas.utilities.utilities.weighted_average (x, ...) |
Takes the weighted average of an array of values and the associated errors. |
satlas.utilities.utilities.beta (mass, V) |
Calculates the beta-factor for a mass in amu and applied voltage in Volt. |
satlas.utilities.utilities.dopplerfactor (mass, V) |
Calculates the Doppler shift of the laser frequency for a given mass in amu and voltage in V. |
satlas.utilities.plotting.generate_correlation_map (f, ...) |
Generates a correlation map for either the chisquare or the MLE method. |
satlas.utilities.plotting.generate_correlation_plot (...) |
Given the random walk data, creates a triangle plot: distribution of a single parameter on the diagonal axes, 2D contour plots with 1, 2 and 3 sigma contours on the off-diagonal. |
satlas.utilities.plotting.generate_walk_plot (...) |
Given the random walk data, the random walk for the selected parameters is plotted. |